Well, time to say goodbye, Windows…

The end of Windows 7 on my Desktop
Well, you're not starting up again, are you?

So, Windows on my Desktop has been unable to boot for a few days, causing some of my work projects to fall a little behind.  At least I have not lost anything, due to backing up, and the fact that my Desktop is ‘Dual Boot’ Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10.  Windows 7 CANNOT read anything in the Ubuntu part of the computer, but Ubuntu will easily read anything in the Windows 7 part.

Huh.  Windows cannot access anything but NTFS and FAT Partitions…  that is very annoying. Well, in the end Windows is the one that has died, which gives me a nice place to try the upcoming Ubuntu 10.10 without screwing with Ubuntu 9.10 … oh and also…

The next version of Ubuntu is coming soon
24 days until Ubuntu 10.10 is offically released!

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