I am personally one of the people who thinks that the american patent system is broken. At one time it was designed so that people had to innovate and make new things, but now, at least in the software world, it’s being used to stop any competition. Now, thanks to the patent system, there are companies called ‘Patent trolls’ these companies buy patents from a large number of companies and use them to sue other companies or people over ‘patent infringement’. Now apple just gave one of those companies some patents that they can sue with.
Over the last two years, Apple has been engaged in vicious legal battles over smartphone patents, many of which are aimed at squelching or squeezing money out of manufacturers of devices running Android. And now, for some reason, it has given valuable patents to a patent troll — which is using them to sue many of the top technology companies in the world.
via Apple Made A Deal With The Devil No, Worse: A Patent Troll | TechCrunch.