
SOPA lives—and MPAA calls protests an “abuse of power”

MPAA, All I can do is a facepalm over this… The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has looked at tomorrow’s “Internet blackout” in opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)—and it sees only a “gimmick,” a “stunt,” “hyperbole,” “a dangerous and troubling development,” an “irresponsible response,” and an “abuse of power.” Wikipedia, reddit, […]

SOPA lives—and MPAA calls protests an “abuse of power” Read More »

EA says offline Single-Player games are “Finished,” Online is the way forward

Well, now EA wants to convert to making games that have no ‘offline’ component, no true singleplayer mode.  I have to wonder what’s up with this?  First Blizzard with Starcraft II, and now EA wants to make online games.  Yes I hear the ‘It allows us to reduce piracy’ argument, but it can lock a

EA says offline Single-Player games are “Finished,” Online is the way forward Read More »

Microsoft says that Windows is cheaper than Linux

Well, I’ve seen this many times, Microsoft saying that their $200-$500 Operating system is cheaper than the $0.00 Linux.  Their reasoning is because “Everyone uses Windows, You have to spend time to learn Linux, and if you’re in a Business environment, that time is lost money. Also Linux Administrators are more expensive in business.” I

Microsoft says that Windows is cheaper than Linux Read More »

Microsoft has a new marketing campaign

Microsoft has started a marketing campaign against Apple, , and the Mac users don’t seem too happy.  I, myself am a Linux Person, and I remember Microsoft’s ‘Get The Facts’ campaign, which did the exact same thing to Linux, annoying lots of Linux users.  (Well they did have the top link on the Google

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