This has been a fairly interesting week in computer news, first of all, a number of articles about Intel stopping motherboard manufactuers from allowing overclocking on their non K series CPUs. I can certainly see why Intel would want to stop people from overclocking their cheaper lines of CPUs, They want people to buy the higher-end K series or X series. This only appears to apply to the Skylake line of CPUs, older CPUs cannot be overclocked unless their in intels K or X series. There are also some articles talking about Intel and Microsoft pushing ‘microcode’ updates to the CPUs via Windows Update to make sure that they can’t be overclocked. In the end it would be best to purchase the more expensive CPU if you want to overclock. Here’s a more in-depth article about this, though the title could be a bit … misleading. The mircocode update hasn’t been pushed out yet.
On more Windows Update related news, Microsoft has started posting the full changelogs for Windows 10 updates. This is a very good change, as it will allow IT Staff to see what MSFT is pushing out before they deploy it to their orginizations. I wonder why they thought that not showing people what has been changed was a good idea, every previous version of Windows has had a site where you can see their update history.
The site looks a bit spartan, but here is the link if you want to see the changelogs.
And finally, Apples 64 bit IOS devices have a very huge bug…