There’s an interesting article on Ars Technica about a man who spent 48 hours in VR with no ill effects. From the article, it appears that he was using the Vive, which allows movment around a larger space. I personally like to spend a fair amount of time in VR, though I only go for 2-4 hours at a time, at most. (Sitting for any longer gets too… uncomfortable. 😛 ) Here’s a small excerpt from the article.
“I had no physical problems, no burning eyes, killing headaches or nausea,” Thorsten Wiedemann, the founder and artistic director of the A MAZE Festival, told Vice
Click here to read the entire article.
I haven’t had any issues with VR myself. I spent a fairly long time using ‘Virtual Desktop‘ on my Oculus DK1 earlier in the week. The only problem that I had was reading text thanks to the massive pixels (Evidently I don’t get motion sickness easily). I wonder how long people will spend in VR in the future if given the chance. Every new generation of VR Headsets is far more powerful than the one before it, and more comfortable. The differences between the DK1 and DK2 are immense, and from what I’ve been reading, the jump from the Oculus DK2 to the Oculus CV1 Pre release units, or Vive Pre is just as large. If they are that high quality, I’m sure that people won’t have any trouble with VR.